Friday, March 22, 2013

dWbValueArea thinkScript

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Each day input the VAL, VAL, POC, and Pivot from ShadowTrader either from the Tools, MyTrade subtab in the ThinkorSwim platform, or directly from their site at
*Hint: Set the opening time to '1' instead of '9:30' to have the study plot after hours...


input Pivot = 0.00;#Hint Pivot: Must be manually entered daily,
input VAH   = 0.00;#Hint VAH: Must be manually entered daily,
input POC   = 0.00;#Hint POC: Must be manually entered daily,
input VAL   = 0.00;#Hint VAL: Must be manually entered daily,
input Automate = yes;#Hint Automate: This will calc & dispaly pivot values automatically with “Pivot” input. Value Area will always display.
input ProximityPlot = no;#Hint ProximityPlot: Only plots pivots when applicable. If “Automate” is “no”, this option doesnt matter. Value Area will always display.
input PivotBubbles = yes;#Hint PivotBubbles: Shows bubbles on pivot plot lines. If ProximityPlot= yes, bubbles are always off.
input Labels = { default “Proximity”, “Off”, “All”};#Hint Labels: Labels at top of chart. Proximity=labels will display only when applicable.
input ShowPivot = no;#Hint ShowPivot: Some people do not use the pivot point and do not want it displayed.
input ShowLevel4 = no;#Hint ShowLevel4: Will display S4 and R4 for volatile days.
input CloudStartTime = 0530;#Hint CloudStartTime: Move to an earlier time to shift bubbles to the left if bubbles are interfering with chart view.
input ShowCloud = yes;#Hint ShowCloud: Shows the value area as a cloud.
input LabelEsChartOnly = yes;#Hint LabelEsChartOnly: Removes Value Labels(“Above Value”etc.) from chart when another symbol is entered(ex. GOOG).

#Value Area Functions
def VArea = if close >= VAL and close <= VAH then 1 else 0;
def VAreaabove = if close > VAH then 1 else 0;
def VAreabelow = if close < VAL then 1 else 0;
def EStest = if close > close (“/es”) – 15 and close < close (“/es”) + 15 then 1 else 0;
def ESchartonly = if LabelEsChartOnly then EStest else 1;
def NotZero = if VAH > 0 and VAL > 0 then 1 else 0;
def PNotZero = if Pivot > 0 then 1 else 0;

#Previous Day Functions
def Day   = GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD() );
def RegHrs = SecondsTillTime(1545) >= 0 and SecondsFromTime(0930) >= 0;
rec PLow  =  CompoundValue(1, if Day == Day[1] and RegHrs and low < PLow[1] then low else if SecondsFromTime(0930) <= 0 and RegHrs then low else PLow[1], low);
rec PHigh = CompoundValue(1, if Day == Day[1] and RegHrs and high > PHigh[1] then high else if SecondsFromTime(0930) <= 0 and RegHrs then high else PHigh[1], high);
rec PrevLow  = if Day != Day[1] then PLow[1]  else PrevLow[1];
rec PrevHigh = if Day != Day[1] then PHigh[1] else PrevHigh[1];

#Time Functions
def AfterHours = no;
def MarketCloseTime  = 1615;
def secondsFromOpen  = SecondsFromTime(CloudStartTime);
def secondsTillClose = SecondsTillTime(MarketCloseTime);
def OpenTest = if secondsFromOpen >= 0 and secondsTillClose > 0 then yes else no;
def MarketOpen = if AfterHours or OpenTest then 1 else 0;
def closeByPeriod = close(period = “DAY”)[-1];
def newDay = if !IsNaN(closeByPeriod) then 0 else 1;
def today  = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() and SecondsFromTime(CloudStartTime) >= 0 then 1 else 0;

#Pivot Functions
def RI   = (2 * Pivot) – PrevLow;
def SI   = (2 * Pivot) – PrevHigh;
def RII  = Pivot + (RI – SI);
def SII  = Pivot – (RI – SI);
def RIII = PrevHigh + 2 * (Pivot – PrevLow);
def SIII = PrevLow – 2 * (PrevHigh – Pivot);
def RIV  = PrevHigh + 3 * (Pivot – PrevLow);
def SIV  = PrevLow – 3 * (PrevHigh – Pivot);

plot VH;
plot PC;
plot VL;
plot R1;
plot S1;
plot R2;
plot S2;
plot R3;
plot S3;
plot R4;
plot S4;
plot PP;
plot R_1;
plot S_1;
plot R_2;
plot S_2;
plot R_3;
plot S_3;
plot R_4;
plot S_4;
plot P_P;
if !IsNaN(close(period = “DAY”)[-1])
then {
    VH  = Double.NaN;
    PC  = Double.NaN;
    VL  = Double.NaN;
    R4  = Double.NaN;
    R3  = Double.NaN;
    R2  = Double.NaN;
    R1  = Double.NaN;
    PP  = Double.NaN;
    S1  = Double.NaN;
    S2  = Double.NaN;
    S3  = Double.NaN;
    S4  = Double.NaN;
    R_4 = Double.NaN;
    R_3 = Double.NaN;
    R_2 = Double.NaN;
    R_1 = Double.NaN;
    P_P = Double.NaN;
    S_1 = Double.NaN;
    S_2 = Double.NaN;
    S_3 = Double.NaN;
    S_4 = Double.NaN;
} else {
    VH  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and VAH > 0  then VAH else Double.NaN;
    PC  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and POC > 0 then POC else Double.NaN;
    VL  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and VAL > 0 then VAL else Double.NaN;
    R4  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and !ProximityPlot and ShowLevel4 and RIV > 0 then RIV else Double.NaN;
    R3  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and !ProximityPlot and RIII > 0 then RIII else Double.NaN;
    R2  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and !ProximityPlot and RII > 0 then RII else Double.NaN;
    R1  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and !ProximityPlot and RI > 0 then RI else Double.NaN;
    PP  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and ShowPivot and !ProximityPlot and Pivot > 0 then Pivot else Double.NaN;
    S1  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and !ProximityPlot and SI > 0 then SI else Double.NaN;
    S2  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and !ProximityPlot and SII > 0 then SII else Double.NaN;
    S3  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and !ProximityPlot and SIII > 0 then SIII else Double.NaN;
    S4  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and !ProximityPlot and ShowLevel4 and SIV > 0 then SIV else Double.NaN;
    R_4 = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ProximityPlot  and close > (RII + ((RIII - RII) / 2)) then RIV else Double.NaN;
    R_3 = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ProximityPlot  and close > (RI + ((RII - RI) / 2)) then RIII else Double.NaN;
    R_2 = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ProximityPlot  and close > VH then RII else Double.NaN;
    R_1 = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ProximityPlot  and close > VL then RI else Double.NaN;
    P_P = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ShowPivot and ProximityPlot and close > SI and close < RI then Pivot else Double.NaN;
    S_1 = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ProximityPlot  and close < VH then SI else Double.NaN;
    S_2 = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ProximityPlot  and close < VL then SII else Double.NaN;
    S_3 = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ProximityPlot  and close < (SI - ((SI - SII) / 2)) then SIII else Double.NaN;
    S_4 = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and Automate  and ProximityPlot  and close < (SII - ((SII - SIII) / 2)) then SIV else Double.NaN;

#Value Area Cloud
plot cloudhigh = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and ShowCloud then VAH else Double.NaN;
plot cloudlow  = if MarketOpen and newDay and today and ShowCloud then VAL else Double.NaN;
AddCloud (cloudhigh, cloudlow, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and VArea and NotZero, “Inside Value Area”, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and VAreaabove and NotZero, “Above Value Area”, Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and VAreabelow and NotZero, “Below Value Area”, Color.RED);
def ChartLabels;
switch (Labels) {
case “Proximity”:
    ChartLabels = 1;
case “Off”:
    ChartLabels = 0;
case “All”:
    ChartLabels = 2;
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close > VL and close < RII, Concat(“VH=”, VH), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close > SI and close < RI, Concat(“POC=”, PC), Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close < VH and close > SII, Concat(“VL=”, VL), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close > VL, Concat(“R1=”, RI), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close > VH, Concat(“R2=”, RII), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close > (RI + ((RII - RI) / 2)), Concat(“R3=”, RIII), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close > (RII + ((RIII - RII) / 2)), Concat(“R4=”, RIV), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close > SI and close < RI and ShowPivot, Concat(“PP=”, PP), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close < VH, Concat(“S1=”, SI), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close < VL, Concat(“S2=”, SII), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close < (SI - ((SI - SII) / 2)), Concat(“S3=”, SIII), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and close < (SII - ((SII - SIII) / 2)), Concat(“S4=”, SIV), Color.GREEN);

AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and NotZero, Concat(“VH=”, VH), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and NotZero, Concat(“POC=”, PC), Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and NotZero, Concat(“VL=”, VL), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero, Concat(“R1=”, RI), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero, Concat(“R2=”, RII), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero, Concat(“R3=”, RIII), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero and ShowLevel4, Concat(“R4=”, RIV), Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero and ShowPivot, Concat(“PP=”, PP), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero, Concat(“S1=”, SI), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero, Concat(“S2=”, SII), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero, Concat(“S3=”, SIII), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and MarketOpen and newDay and today and ESchartonly and PNotZero and ShowLevel4, Concat(“S4=”, SIV), Color.GREEN);

AddLabel(!MarketOpen, ”NoPlotAfterHours”, Color.WHITE);

AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(S1) and IsNaN(S1[1]) and PivotBubbles, S1, “S1”, Color.WHITE, no);
AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(S2) and IsNaN(S2[1]) and PivotBubbles, S2, “S2”, Color.WHITE, no);
AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(S3) and IsNaN(S3[1]) and PivotBubbles, S3, “S3”, Color.WHITE, no);
AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(S4) and IsNaN(S4[1]) and PivotBubbles and ShowLevel4, S4, “S4”, Color.WHITE, no);
AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(PP) and IsNaN(PP[1]) and ShowPivot and PivotBubbles, PP, “PP”, Color.WHITE, no);
AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(R1) and IsNaN(R2[1]) and PivotBubbles, R1, “R1”, Color.WHITE, no);
AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(R2) and IsNaN(R2[1]) and PivotBubbles, R2, “R2”, Color.WHITE, no);
AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(R3) and IsNaN(R3[1]) and PivotBubbles, R3, “R3”, Color.WHITE, no);
AddChartBubble (!IsNaN(R4) and IsNaN(R4[1]) and PivotBubbles and ShowLevel4, R4, “R4”, Color.WHITE, no);

#Opening Range Breakout Functions
input ShowORB = No;#Hint ShowORB: Displays 2 small, dashed lines at the top/bottom of the opening range.
input OrbTime = 30;#Hint OrbTime: Defines the time range for the ORB.
def Market_Open_Time  = 945;
def Market_Close_Time = 1600;
def Day1 = GetDay();
def pastOpen  = If((SecondsTillTime(Market_Open_Time) > 0), 0, 1);
def pastClose = If((SecondsTillTime(Market_Close_Time) > 0), 0, 1);
def IsMarketOpen = If(pastOpen and !pastClose, 1, 0);
def firstBar = If (Day1[1] != Day1, Day1 – 1, 0);
def secondsUntilOpen = SecondsTillTime(Market_Open_Time);
def regularHours = SecondsTillTime(Market_Close_Time);
def secondsFromOpen1 = SecondsFromTime(Market_Open_Time);
def pastOpeningRange = If(secondsFromOpen1 >= ((OrbTime - 15) * 60), 1, 0);
rec displayedHigh = If(high > displayedHigh[1] and IsMarketOpen and ShowORB, high, If(IsMarketOpen and !firstBar, displayedHigh[1], high));
rec displayedLow  = If(low < displayedLow[1] and IsMarketOpen and ShowORB, low, If(IsMarketOpen and !firstBar, displayedLow[1], low));
rec ORHigh = If(pastOpeningRange, ORHigh[1], displayedHigh);
rec ORLow  = If(pastOpeningRange, ORLow[1], displayedLow);
plot ORBHigh = If(MarketOpen and newDay and today and pastOpeningRange and IsMarketOpen and ShowORB, ORHigh, Double.NaN);
plot ORBLow  = If(MarketOpen and newDay and today and pastOpeningRange and IsMarketOpen and ShowORB, ORLow , Double.NaN);

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